Questions + Answers With: MegMo_Fit

Welcome back to my monthly series in which I ask my good friends who just so happen to be stellar, entrepreneurial types to answer somewhat invasive questions about themselves so I can show them off to you guys.

In February, I kicked off the series with Dan Pelosi of @grossypelosi who, since we last met, has risen to Instagram fame thanks to his incredible cooking content. This month, I’m spotlighting a woman who hasn’t been in my life for long (only since December) but who has made a lifetime of impact on me so far: Meg Morat of @megmo_fit.


Meg is a Certified Personal Trainer and trains virtually, from afar (and in person, too but not as much anymore). I was first introduced to her via her free workout videos on Instagram that my best friend insisted I try. “I never thought I’d have abs again after the baby,” my best friend who’s been working out since age 13 said. “But I found Meg and now I do.” I tried a few of her free workouts, went through a breakup around Thanksgiving, and decided that for the first time in my life, I was going to hire a personal trainer. I’ve never worked with one before—TBH, they always intimidated me/I’m an Aries and don’t like being told what to do. However, something magnetic was pulling me toward Meg, so I reached out to her, filled out a submission form, and got to work. We’re going on month four, and I’ve truly never felt better about my body and overall lifestyle. I could sing Meg praises all day, but this column isn’t about me talking about her—it’s about her talking about her. So, without further adieu, read on to find out what Meg’s all about and, if you’re interested in working with her, fill out one of her submission forms (don’t DM her or me about her prices and whatnot, because we ain’t gonna give it that info to ya over Instagram)!

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MEG: I think this is my least favorite question (don't hate me), and my go-to answer has been and always will be: that's for you to find out. BUT, I know Emma won't let me slide with that (plus, she knows me and IS finding out) the basics: I'm Meg, AKA MegMo. I'm 30 but also in denial of that, so I like to say that I'm 25 with a few years of experience. I live in southwest Florida on the gulf coast, and I am obsessed. I moved here in 2017 after living in Maryland for 27 years and although I miss my fam and friends back there immensely, I have built a life here that has never felt more "HOME" to me. My friends here are family and my dad also lives about 20 minutes away from me. I moved here on a whim after visiting him in 2016 (he retired and moved here) and decided I, NEEDED a change. I was ready for a new chapter and to explore, have adventures, fail, learn, grow and take up more mileage. I have a degree in graphic design which I actively still pursue on the side along with my personal training & coaching business. I am just really blessed and constantly in a state of stress (which isn't a bad thing!), and I always remind myself that it's better to be overwhelmed than underwhelmed. I would not be who I am and where I am without the people I share my life with and Jesus' love. I think that's the most important thing I need to emphasize here. If you ever find yourself questioning your self-worth, ask a true friend how much you mean to them. And keep living your purpose, on purpose.

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MEG: Fitness has always been a part of my life, but not nearly as much as it is now. I now truly realize just how much it affects my mental state and quality of life. I cannot go a day without moving my body in SOME way and slamming weights is my fave. I've also begun dabbling in running—one of my besties and I run some sort of race every month. I grew up a competitive figure skater, but stopped to attend college and never started back up. In college I definitely partied and didn't workout as much, but I always knew how GOOD it made me feel. I had a few year span where I didn't hit the gym at all (shocker!). I struggled a TON with body dysmorphia in college although I hid it well. But sadly that's what motivated me to get back into the gym and I got to one of the unhealthiest point in life because I felt as if I always had to be changing my body. It hit me hardest when I couldn’t define who I was anymore after just starting my journey again, competing, and being inundated with “supposed to do’s.” The mixed information coupled with a lot of misinformation drove me nuts. From an outsider’s perspective I just looked super dedicated. In reality I felt like garbage and my life was pretty empty, especially compared to what it is now. BUT it put me in a position that challenged me to find out who I was outside of just a body and made me realize fitness is SO much more than physical. I LOVE this lifestyle and the best part?! I GET TO SHARE IT! 

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MEG: A "day in the life" for me changes on the daily and I love that. I wake up around 6am and make the most fab cup of coffee ever and get ready to RALLY. I work pretty much every day (don't we all these days?!) although I AM trying to set more boundaries and take my weekends back. I truly love my job so much that it doesn't feel like work. I have some of THE best clients ever and I literally ask myself every day "Is this a dream?" Again, I owe my joy and the life I get to live to the people in it. I workout either early in the morning, midday or late at night if I happen to lose track of time and suddenly it's 8 PM, I have kernels of popcorn between my (fake) boobs, and I realize that I need to get my ass to the gym and have my "therapy" session. BUT, most days I do workout on my lunch break that I give myself around 11:30 or 12! 

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MEG: I would say the biggest misconception is that weightlifting makes women bulky. If you're on steroids, that would be fact, but the general population of women have NOTHING to worry about. Weightlifting is one of the most empowering things you can do. Building muscle is such an intricate and interesting process, and it's so incredible to experience yourself progress, your mindset shift and your body change. You can quite literally change your entire body composition with weight training as well as your self-confidence, plus weight lifting will serve you well after you leave the gym. When you have more muscle mass, your metabolic rate increases as well as your body's ability to drop fat as this process occurs. A reason why I tend to encourage my clients to smash their scale is because when you're gaining muscle and have dropped body fat, the scale doesn't always budge and can sometimes even *gasp* go up. This is because yes, muscle and fat weigh the same, but muscle takes up far less space than fat cells. Lift weights to embrace your strength and sexiness.

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MEG: The role that nutrition, stress and sleep play in progress. You can go balls to the walls with a workout routine, lift ALL the weights, do ALL the cardio, but if your nutrition isn't reigned in as well as your sleep hygiene and stress, you're likely going to be in a vicious cycle of putting in 50% of the work for less than 50% of the results you desire. You can't out-train a diet that's lacking, it's true. People will often times blame the training program they're on for lack of results, when in actuality, it's the fact that they're following it without keeping their diet in check and keeping tabs on their sleep as well as properly managing their stress to the best of their ability.

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MEG: See above. Oh and also: stop looking for the quick fix. 



Use code MEGMO on everything below, and don’t forget to give her free Instagram workouts a go (especially as we #stayhome) or go for the gold and sign up with her full-time (you won’t regret it. I promise).




Mandabees Headbands 

Protein Cookie Butter

Four Thirteen Apparel

Coffee Over Cardio