Blender Bomb Recipe Highlight: Strawberry Banana Bliss!

I’ve been using Blender Bombs for years now. 4 years, to be exact. Along the way, I’ve had the chance to meet the team, including Helen herself, and she’s just as great in person. In June, Helen did a guest post on my blog all about the 80x20 rule and how she’s made it work for her and her lifestyle. Today, she’s back to share more BB knowledge as well as a strawberry banana bliss smoothie recipe that I may just make for lunch today! Read on to get the scoop and don’t forget to use code EMMA10 on any of your Blender Bomb orders to get 10% off your treats.

Blender Bombs are a nutrient-dense ball consisting of nuts and seeds, designed to transform your smoothie into a convenient, filling meal replacement. In other words, they make your smoothie THE BOMB. 

Let's rewind to a few years ago, before the birth of BBs. I was yo-yo dieting, my weight was fluctuating, and I was always giving in to my sweet tooth. I felt crummy, lethargic, and to be honest, unsatisfied. If I wasn't binge eating, I was restrictive dieting and when I wasn't at the gym, I was slaving away in the kitchen. 

Blender Bombs were built out of necessity. I needed the convenience of dropping a superfood bomb in my blender to mix in with my fruits, veggies, ice, and water rather than creating a mess on my countertops while I measured out countless bags of nuts and seeds for my smoothie. I needed a fiber fueled meal that kept me full for longer rather than a protein bar full of powder. I needed something that would put the kibosh on my sweet cravings as opposed to the late-night trips to my freezer for a Hershey's bar. I needed something that not only changed the way I looked but also how I felt. With daily testimonials from customers, I realized that I wasn’t alone. Other people were searching for the same results, and Blender Bombs were their answer.


Now, with seven flavors, each one designed to satisfy all your cravings, I often have a different favorite of the month. For the summertime, my go-to is usually the Goji, Coconut, & Acai bomb. I love how refreshing a fruity smoothie tastes in the heat! Below is the Strawberry Banana Bliss recipe. It's perfect for kids, for adults, for anyone who loves the creamy texture that reminds you of summer days with a milkshake in hand. Drinking this 5x a week curbed my strawberry cobbler cravings!

Strawberry Banana Bliss Recipe:

1/2 x organic banana - I recommend freezing these ahead of time!

3/4 x cup strawberries - frozen or fresh!

2 x tbsp almonds

1 x tsp honey

1 x Goji, Coconut, & Acai Blender Bomb - Aloe, Original, or Sunflower work well too!

2 x tbsp Bomb Butter

3/4 x cup water

1/2 x cup ice 


There is no "wrong" way to make a BB smoothie. If you are a strawberry lover - add a few extra. If you don't love bananas, try replacing it with 1/2 cup of cauliflower rice or 1/2 an avocado. 

For more recipes and tips, follow @blenderbombs and @hushupandhustle on Instagram!

