Posts by Emma Golden
How and Why I Finally Went Freelance

One day, while sitting at my desk, I had an epiphany: If I had 8 full hours a day, 5 days a week to spend working on my own brand and my own clients, I could do this. I could make this a full-time thing. If I didn’t have to split my energy between a 9-5 and a side hustle, who knows what I could be capable of…

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What to See, Eat, and Do in Taos, New Mexico

I had no hopes or dreams of going on any sort of trip for the duration of 2020 (and probably not until Q2 of 2021), but that all changed when a road trip to Taos, New Mexico was spontaneously put on my calendar for the end of June…

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Questions + Answers with @heleniye

“Don’t assume that this moment will pass and everything will be fixed. We’re all doing work — including Black people, to make sure our generations and future generations can exist in a less hateful world.”

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