An Open Letter To My Audience

I think you guys know I love you, but I also know that a lot of peoples’ love language is words of affirmation (me included), so I wanted to take a second to write this little love note to you.

Make no mistake: This open letter doesn’t contain any sort of big news or announcement. It’s not a confession note. It’s simply a note to say,

Hey. Thanks.

If you’ve been with me since the beginning, you probably know more about me than most. If you’re newer to the team, you have a lot to learn and experience and decide on whether you like or not.

In this day and age, social media is more of a popularity contest than ever before. And especially this year—a year in which each month presents a new challenge, a new idea/event/fact/fiction to be outraged about. There is so much bad going on in our world right now. Social media, the news, and even daily conversations are overwhelming even the toughest of us. Some days we’re able to shy away in our homes, quarantining and getting on with this wildly awkward “new normal.” Others, we emotionally cut ourselves by spending the majority of our day watching/reading/commenting/liking/posting.

Things are heavy right now and the reality is, they’ll continue to be for a while and that’s a really hard pill to swallow. The landscape is shifting in a lot of ways, and the air is thick with tension and worry. We’ve joked for so long about how easy it is to offend people (I.e. some people will somehow find fault in a picture of a rainbow or puppy), but it’s a not a joke anymore—it’s a very harsh reality. Consumers are getting pickier and pickier about exactly what kind of content they want to see and have absolutely no hesitation when it comes to hitting the unfollow button. We’re living the Cancel Culture daily, and no one is safe.

Now more than ever, people are working hard to curate their feeds with a no bullshit tolerance. I’d argue that current events are creating a much more judgmental and angry environment across the board, no matter who you are. Basically, it’s a testy time to be an “influencer,” “content creator,” or “blogger,” but this isn’t me complaining. I’m not looking for sympathy or for an “ATTAGIRL!” I’m just here to thank you for being here.

When the world pivots, I pivot and, ultimately, we pivot together. I’m thankful for you guys every day and only ever want to be a place you come to relate, to laugh, to think, to shop probably because let’s be honest and, most importantly, to say “Damn. I’m so glad I’m not the only one who feels this way/experiences these things. I feel better now!”

