Coronavirus WFH: Day 11

What day is it? Who am I? Where am I? I hear smells and I taste colors now, and not in a good way either. I am losing it, you guys. I won’t sugarcoat it for you. It doesn’t help that this week with work has been…… well, it’s rendered me speechless. It’s no one’s fault but the world’s, tbh. Things are changing and evolving every day, which means business is going to change and evolve every day, and we’re all doing our best to pivot content and keep up but FUCK. It’s rough.

All that to say, I haven’t posted a daily update in days because I haven’t had the mental capacity. However, I’m forcing myself to write one tonight for my own sanity and because I miss talking at you guys (not with since literally no one ever comments on blogs anymore). I’d also like to add that I’m PMS/PMDDing, my tits are sore as hell, and I’m angry as a chihuahua which is really unfortunate timing for the second week of this quarantine.

Also, I refuse to vent about this on my stories, so I’m gonna vent about it here because I know only the loyalist of the loyal actually read my blog but I FUCKING LITERALLY LOSE FOLLOWERS ON IG BY THE HANDFUL EVERY DAY AND I’M TIRED OF IT. I don’t understand what’s so offensive/annoying/boring about me that 5-10 people A DAY go out of their way to hit the unfollow button. Stupid to complain about, I know but frustrating nonetheless. This is also why it will take me no less than 15 more years to hit 10K followers and Instagram will be obsolete at that point. And so will I.

Okay. I think I’m done being angry on this post now. Let’s move on.

While it’s on my mind, this simple lemon dressing is absolutely incredible for kale. It takes about 3 minutes to whip up and is the perfect accent for a fresh bowl of well-massaged kale (MASSAGE YOUR KALE, PEOPLE). Also, I left out the mustard cause I’m a rebel.

Raise your hand if you’re kinda nervous this quarantine is going to slowly but surely turn you into a functioning alcoholic.


I know you guys probably already saw, but these Gucci dupes from Amazon are legit. I ordered mine a few weeks ago and they just arrived today, and are everything I dreamed of and more. I can’t wait to wear them in the fall when we’re finally allowed back into public.

I ALSO pulled the trigger on a brand new pair of slippers because #WORKFROMHOMELIFE (y’all, I truly am losing it).

I have yet to cave and watch Tiger King, but seeing as though it’s become the new quarantine cult classic, I fear my time is running out and I’ll have to watch it this weekend.

Are any of y’all keeping tabs of how many ex-whatevers have reached out to you in weird ways during this quarantine? I am and so far, I’ve had two dudes FOLLOW ME ON IG. One, I went on exactly two dates with and he was a fucking manchild and ghosted me but, like, didn’t? And he immediately slid into my DMs. The second was a dude I NEVER EVEN MET. We talked on Hinge for a while and got each other’s numbers and he was so excited about me… then never spoke to me again. BUT FOLLOWED ME ON IG A YEAR LATER? WHAT? And immediately liked two of my pictures.

Quarantine is fucking whack, y’all.

Also, my birthday is next Saturday? So that’s gonna be depressing.

Speaking of, I’m going to go pour some form of alcohol into a to-go container and walk my dog because that’s how I party nowadays. And I’m honestly okay with it.

Stay sane.
