Quarantine Day 29/Birthday Recap

As I write this, I’m in my bed where I’ve been the majority of the day. Yesterday was my 33rd birthday, and although it was during what’s sure to be the most bizarre moment we’ll ever live through in this country and talk about for years to come, it was the best birthday I’ve ever had.


I will admit: I was very, very sad about my birthday this year. The original plan was to go to my parents to celebrate, but with everything going on and their concerns, we decided against it. I can’t blame them. I truly am not blaming anyone for feeling however they feel during this unprecedented time. Everyone’s feelings and reactions are valid; I’m not going to argue how a global pandemic is making you feel! However, I still was feeling very sorry for myself and was getting more and more concerned as my birthday got closer as to how the fuck I was going to keep my mind preoccupied all day and not slip into a depressive episode.

HOWEVER, I have the best support group of family and friends in the world and they ended up making this birthday un-fucking-forgettable. Everyone went out of their ways to make me feel so loved, so special, and so celebrated. I mean, what else were they gonna do? CELEBRATING ME WAS THEIR ONLY CHOICE. For anyone else with a birthday coming up during this quarantine, you may be pleasantly surprised at how much attention and love you receive. I got not one but two bouquets of flowers from separate friends, my very best friends AND MY PARENTS surprised me by gathering in my street and honking their horns and holding up signs which was the coolest thing that’s ever happened to me, I got homemade Funfetti cake, salted caramel chocolate pudding, and Oreo balls — THE LIST GOES ON. I also got really fucking drunk off of my own bottomless mimosas, a half bottle of rosé, and whiskey shots (all self-inflicted. I wouldn’t have it any other way). My friends also gathered on Zoom for a “birthday dinner,” which was equal parts awkward and hilarious. It was truly the best birthday I’ve had and obviously will be unforgettable for many different reasons.

Needless to say, I was very hungover today. I woke up around 9:30, fell back asleep until 11, and didn’t get out of bed until 1. I enjoyed a delicious everything bagel sent to me by a dear friend in New York from a REAL NEW YORK BAGEL SHOP, chugged coffee and water, and gave my dog an at-home groom because I couldn’t see her face. Then we went on an hour long walk around my neighborhood while talking to my sister then listening to the soothing tunes of Megan Thee Stallion. When we got home, it was bath time for Cece and when I swaddled her up and brought her in bed with me to dry and rest, my hangover mysteriously came back, so this is where I’ve been ever since. I’ve had the rest of my Funfetti cake in here, along with my leftover pizza that my sister treated me to last night and, as I write this, am about to watch the last episode of Ozark this season which I already know I’m not prepared for mentally. I have no idea what’s gonna happen, all I know is Uncle Ben made me cry and that actor deserves 1,000 roles and 2,000 awards.

Some other takeaways from this weekend:

Target sells The Lip Bar products (!!!), and this red “Hot Mama” is thee most perfect red I’ve ever experienced. I’m obsessed.

This book about The Office came out with pages and pages of interviews with the cast, and my parents got it for me for my birthday!

I treated myself to some new, colorful dish towels for my birthday because I guess that’s what 33-year-olds in quarantine do.

I am still figuring out my curls. I love the new products I got (this leave-in cream and this general curl cream), but I’m realizing I need to follow up wet plopping with a quick diffuse situation to get maximum results. This week, we keep experimenting.

I’ve tried to keep up with meal prepping during this quarantine and am realizing it’s not working for me. I’d honestly rather cook new stuff every night — gives me something to do. Even though, cleaning the kitchen 3x a day is THE FUCKING WORST.

I’m not ready for this week at all. But here goes nothing. I hope everyone had a good weekend and are doing what they can to stay safe and sane (emphasis on sane).

