Coronavirus WFH: Day 8

So I realized my “days” were off because I was only counting my actual work days and not every day that I’ve (we’ve) been in quarantine thus far. For me personally, today was day 8. Whew, glad we got that settled.

How was everyone’s weekend? Truth be told, mine was fantastic. I had no expectations for my first weekend at home. Truly, I was nervous about how the hell I was going to fill my days without getting anxious or overwhelmingly sad. But at around 7pm on Friday night, my guy friend asked if I wanted to do a virtual happy hour to which I replied:


So we fired up the FaceTime, then our other friend Spencer joined (who you all know as the dude I did the OYO stuff with), and we stayed on that damn FaceTime until 11pm, y’all. 4 HOURS. It was truly glorious and made me feel about 200x better about being quarantined for the foreseeable future. We drank, we laughed, we had weird conversations — the only thing missing was being in person but honestly, I didn’t even think about that. I was just so happy to have some semblance of a normal Friday night.

Then on Saturday I hosted my first live stream with you guys and OMG—BEST TIME OF MY LIFE. You guys exceeded my expectations in not only showing up but ENGAGING, and it was the best Saturday night I’ve had in years. Y’all’s comments and feedback and all of it was so uplifting and so fun, I cannot wait to do it again. And we will, don’t worry. I think Saturday was the first live stream in a series of live streams to come.

I walked away (and into my kitchen) from this weekend with a newfound feeling of hope. Yes, what our country and strangers as well as friends and family are going through right now is unprecedented, unnerving, and hard to fully comprehend. There are so many unknowns and what-ifs. But this weekend showed me how much fun we can still have in this isolation and how much stronger our connections can and will become. In a twisted way, I’ve never felt closer to my friends, family, and all of you guys. Every conversation or virtual interaction feels intentional. I’m going out of my way to FaceTime, text, Google Hangout, Zoom with any and everyone. Who would’ve thought that at our most isolated, we’re becoming our closest?

I started out last week in a complete fog of anxiety and cried most of Monday and a few other times during the first half of the week, but I’m feeling like a different person today. I’ve gotten my at-home office completely setup and it’s wildly cozy. Also, I cannot stress enough how big of a difference a second monitor makes. This one from Amazon is very reasonable at $130, and the quality is fantastic (just make sure you have an HDMI cable on hand and the right adapter to hook it up to your computer!). I got Cece a dog bed she actually loves (she’s ripped up every single other one I’ve gifted her. Bitch).

Also, some recipes for you guys to try or save to try later:

This absolute FIRE kale and egg dish I made for brunch today (brunch on a Monday because there are no rules anymore, guys)

Roasted spaghetti squash and sautéed zucchini with this orgasmic lemon garlic sauce

Skinny Taste’s turkey chili taco soup. It’s absolutely incredible and addicting.

ALSO ALSO, for what it’s worth, I despise alcoholic seltzer like White Claw and Truly, but PRESS makes a great one that I am fully on board with. In fact, I drank several of them this weekend and got lit without feeling hungover or nasty as hell the day after.

My goals this week are to not drink every night (I had some sort of beverage Tuesday-Sunday last week. Oops), keep going hard with my at-home MegMo workouts, keep up my almost every day walks with Cece, and not order one piece of clothing because I have everything I need right now (cut to me ordering something tonight. I have issues).

Chin up this week, y’all. Oh and


