Coronavirus WFH: Day 4

Another good day in the books! Last night was a bit touch and go. I’m not entirely sure why, really. I think the fact that my living room TV and Apple TV do not mesh, so watching anything on the biggest TV in my home (I only have two) is impossible. For some reason, it set me off and as I was sitting on my couch with a black TV and a small iPad playing my show, I started spiraling. You know, the current classics: “Is this really happening? HOW did this happen? WHY did it happen? HOW long is life going to be this way? WHY won’t it just go away?” But fear not. I did what any grown ass woman does and called her mom to cry. And made brownies. And wouldn’t you know, I felt a LOT better once I did those two things.

Speaking of those brownies, they’re a Smitten Kitchen recipe I’ve been making for years (literally the recipe is originally from 2012), and they’re perfect. Do yourself a favor and make them this weekend. Or next week. Or the week after that. Whenever.

I didn’t take Cece on a walk today, as the weather in Dallas is very iffy right now. Also, I realized I didn’t pick up a few essentials I’d like to have in the house, so I ventured to my local farmer’s market that’s 3 minutes down the road and VERY CAREFULLY bought some things I needed. Then I came home, made lunch, and continued work for the day.

Today was an INCREDIBLE mail day. Not only did I get a customized olive/cheese/bread board from this new home goods company, WREN (it has LFG on it. I’m in love), but I also got two cases of alcoholic seltzer from PRESSED (female owned, very important) AND my new Lou and Grey sweat set I’ve been stalking for months. Good mail days are gonna be the fucking highlight of my week, let me tell you. They already were, but even more so now.

In sadder but not unexpected news, my second annual trip to CIVANA in Arizona was canceled today. I knew that was coming, so I’m not upset. I’ve already dealt with the upset. Plus, the team I’ve been working with is so incredible, I know I will get back there this year and be taken care of. This was going to be my first fully sponsored trip to my favorite resort ever, and it still will be! Just later this year.

Last night, I shared with you all the ONLY NEWS PODCAST I’m listening to right now: NPR’s daily Corona Update. I have stayed far away from all news this entire week (I suggest doing the same. I get enough updates from my mom and friends, I don’t need more), but discovered this last night and decided it’s the one update I will tune into every day. I’ve been listening to NPR for so many years, every single morning, so I know and trust the reporters and their voices are soothing to me.

Last but not least, this ridiculous but mildly entertaining website: How Much Toilet Paper? Like I said, stupid but a good stupid.

When I log off here, I’m going to make dinner (ground chicken tacos), FaceTime friends and family, and PUT MY LAUNDRY away since it’s been sitting around my room the entire week. Oops. I’VE BEEN DISTRACTED, OKAY?

Hope everyone had a decent day. Tomorrow is Friday and, even though that in no way holds the weight it did just a week ago, it’s still Friday.

