Coronavirus WFH: Day 3

Holy fuck. I just wrote out an entire blog post and deleted it on accident. I talked about #bringbloggingback last night on my stories, and THAT JUST TOOK ME BACK, ALL RIGHT. FUCK.

Today was good. I don’t know if that’s because it’s mid-week or what, but I definitely felt the most “me” so far. In truth, it’s my belief that we’re all in a state of ongoing shock about this situation and it has yet to sink in for any of us just how long this might go on. Personally, I’m not letting myself think about the longevity. I can’t. With all the “through July” “through November” “through May, then we’re free, but then it strikes again and we’re quarantined again” talk, I cannot do it. I’m impatient AF and a control freak, but I am practicing letting those things go as hard as I can during this entire… sitch. We all should, because our sanity literally depends on it.

My lunchtime walks with Cece are already becoming a crucial part of my day (and of hers, I’m sure). Today we walked for about 30 minutes, and I talked to my mom the entire time. I haven’t seen her or my dad in three weeks, and they’re not comfortable with me coming over for another two at least. I can’t blame them at all; if I gave them this shit without knowing I was a carrier, I’d never forgive myself.

For breakfast today, I had some cereal. For lunch, a turkey sandwich. For a snack, a honeycrisp with crunchy PB. And for dinner, I treated the fuck out of myself and ordered Chipotle. In fact, it arrived as I sat down to type this, so I’m gonna wrap it up here in a second and go enjoy the fuck out of myself.

I realize how imperative incredible content is during these times, so just know my wheels are constantly spinning to see what I can come up with for you guys. Also, I created a WFH highlight on my IG to document all the mindless shit I post from now until we’re released (goo. That’s a weird way to put it, huh?). I didn’t buy anything today, but I did add more shit to my EmmaZon page for you to browse if you so please! I also took a shower this morning (I hadn’t since Saturday), so that was big.

“After work,” I did an arm workout and a pushup challenge that a friend tagged me in on IG. My arms now feel like noodles, and I welcome the feeling, truly. Tonight, I’m going to eat this delightful dinner, probably have a beer, probably watch a movie, put away laundry, and go to bed. I don’t know if you caught it, but I realized LAST NIGHT that I had taken my sleeping pill YESTERDAY MORNING. Fucking idiot. What is this—amateur hour? Needless to say, I was tired all day, but up until past midnight. I watched the 1997 filmed, The Rainmaker, last night with Matt Damon and jizzed 14 times. GOD DAMN, HE WAS FINE AS HELL, Y’ALL. I’m going to continue on this 90s movies kick, so if you have any suggestions, please hit me with them. I love to watch and rewatch them at my age to see a) what the fuck they were about because my 10/11/12-year-old self DEF had no idea, and b) see if they hold up.

That’s all I got for you guys tonight. See you on the internet.

