Coronavirus WFH: Day 2

Captain’s log, day 2:

Today started out rough. Although I slept the recommended number of hours, I have anxiety-filled dreams and woke up groggy as fuck. I thought coffee and a new, grey sweatshirt would help and it didn’t. The first part of the day, it felt like a literal fog was over my eyes. I threw together some scrambled eggs and toast with a mandarin on the side (I got an entire bag of them at the store and, unlike when I’m not quarantined, am actually eating them).

At noon on the dot, I leashed up Cece (on a waist leash. If you don’t have one, I highly recommend getting on board. It changed the enjoyment of our walks tenfold) and we went on a 35min jaunt around the neighborhood where we encountered some beautiful tulips and a few other humans (!!!) who we waved at from a distance.

When we got home, I took three Advil because this tension headache will not quit. Then I jumped onto Google hangouts with my two best work friends so we could “have lunch together,” and it helped my anxiety and nerves so much. Video calls will be what gets me through this next however many weeks/months? (God please not months. PLEASE). I was lazy for lunch and made a cup of noodles. Legit, like the old school cup of noodles (I bought a 12-pack on Amazon mid-week last week before I was taking this quarantine super seriously). It was exactly how you are imagining it to be, then I got back to work in my little office space.

Snacks ingested today:

Boom Chicka Pop Kettle Corn and these knock-off Thin Mint cookies.

Things purchased today:

I know it’s only two days in, but I can’t do this WFH shit without a monitor. So, I purchased this guy off Amazon, and threw in my favorite candle and a new mud mask for good measure (#SELFCAREQUARANTINEYALL).

Things that were delivered today:

My new wine aerator and face moisturizer. Staying drunk and pampered is very important during this time, guys.

When 6pm rolled around (that’s my work’s official OFF time), I queued up my workout playlist and did an at-home workout from my girl Meg. I’ve had these dumbbells and resistance bands forever, and they’re coming in handy now more than ever! It was during this workout that I discovered I have abs, and I am fucking SHOOK. I know I’ve been putting the work in since December, but it was one of those moments where I caught myself in the camera and was like NOW HOLD ON JUST A MINUTE. IS THAT ME? IS THAT MY BODY? Never in a million years did I think I would have abs to claim as my own and, although it’s sad I’m in the best shape of my life during an international quarantine, I’m so fucking proud.


That was day 2. As soon as I hit publish on this, I’ll pour a glass of wine, make dinner, probably Facetime more friends and family, watch TV, and go to bed. Love you guys. Stay sane.

