Jane Elliott's Brown Eyes/Blue Eyes Racial Discrimination Lesson

Yes, I’m hesitant to post.

I’m hesitant to use my voice, something I’ve never been hesitant to use before.

I’m hesitant because the few things I’ve said, I’ve been met with DMs, emails, and comments letting me know that I got it wrong. And when I try again, I get that wrong, too. When I’ve tried to thoughtfully wade through my own thoughts on everything going on and put together what I feel are cohesive, positive thoughts, I’m met with people telling me try again, again.

When I say I am learning and listening, I mean it. If I am more silent than you’d care for, I am learning. If I’m not posting the right amount of stories or resources, I am listening. I am absorbing. Of course I am an ally. Of course I believe in and see the racial injustices happening in our world daily and always have. Of course I recognize and understand my privilege. And I am exploring ways to take action on it all. Lasting action that will insight permanent change.

I’ve been watching a lot of videos, talks, and movies this week and while each of them have been striking in their own way, this lesson Jane Elliott taught her students back in April of 1968 is one of the most eye-opening, beautiful approaches I’ve seen in my life. I didn’t know it existed until today, so I wanted to share it with you guys today in case you’d like to watch it. We can’t control or change what’s gotten us to this point, but we can reshape the future and that’s going to start with the conversations we have with our future children within our homes and schools.

First, watch this quick clip of Jane speaking to Jimmy Fallon just a few nights ago, then dive into the full film that Frontline originally aired in 1985.