It’s The Little Things

“It’s the little things.” How many times have you heard this said or said it yourself? Probably too many to count, right? Because life is hard and pretty mundane day-to-day, which is why the constant reminder that the small moments and triumphs are actually the big moments and triumphs is necessary. All this is what inspired me to sit down and think of all the little things that make my days better, no matter how tiny or, truthfully speaking, fucking stupid they are. For example, a silly blog post like this!

What are your little things?

Falling asleep with socks on, then taking them off in the middle of the night. SWEET RELIEF. It’s like, you did this to yourself (i.e. falling asleep with them on) so you have no one else to blame but the moment you wakeup mid-sleep and use your toes to get them off your feet like an ape is pure ecstasy.

Cold ass water when you’re dehydrated as fuck. I didn’t say these were gonna be mind-blowing little things. Most of them are obvious, but we’re taking a serious moment to appreciate them and gulping down perfectly cold water when your mouth is the Sahara is MAGICAL.

The PERFECT bite of food. You got all the ratios right—the protein to the carbs to the fat ratio is perfect and tastes like heaven. Bonus: when it’s the perfect LAST bite of food. Fuck me up, why don’t you.

Finally getting that stubborn booger. Don’t look at me like that. You know exactly what I’m talking about. You’ve been wrestling with it for most of the morning and finally, after strenuous digging and maneuvering, IT’S OUT. Glory be to God.

Drinking enough water throughout the day so your pee is crystal clear. We could all stand to drink more water. Some days, I literally forget to? But the days you’re an H2O machine and the proof is in your pee, damn. That’s a good day.

Getting your homemade coffee just right. I don’t know about you, but that shit is testy for me. Some days, I must do one small something wrong, and my entire cup tastes off. When you nail it, it’s the best sip.

Not having to cross/scratch out anything in your planner that week. Wow—you wrote plans down ahead of time in your planner (including workouts and errands to run), and YOU DID IT ALL. You didn’t have to scratch out canceled dinners or workouts you didn’t make because you were just too tired. BEST EVER.

The feeling of taking off your real bra or sports bra when you’re PMSing and your boobs are sore/heavy AF. I let out an animalistic sigh every time. Anyone else?

Actually doing and dealing with all your laundry. There’s nothing in the hamper. Everything’s been washed, dried, folded, and PUT AWAY. It happens so rarely that, when it does, it truly feels like you’ve conquered the world. Next time you see someone out on the town who looks like they have it all figured out, they don’t—they just dealt with all their laundry.

Eating all the food you bought and made for the week. What a feat. You always go in with the best intentions, but random free lunches and invitations to last minute happy hours crop up, jolting you off course. The weeks you don’t waste a morsel of food you bought are a different kind of accomplishment.

Putting on chapstick when your lips are dry AF. Similar to the cold water when you’re dehydrated, but maybe better? You’ve been licking those puppies all day, maybe even tucking them up so you look like fire marshall Bill. When you finally get your hands on a moisturizing lip balm, fuggetaboutit.

Someone you really don’t like having a rouge booger or hair out of place or lipstick smeared. or tripping. Truly, it can be anything so long as they look stupider/uglier for it. Best ever.

A clean break poop. If you know, you know.

Someone random giving you a compliment. I’ve actually been trying to do this more, even to strangers. The power of an unexpected compliment is mighty, y’all.

Package deliveries. Doesn’t even matter what it is, honestly. It could be prescription meds or a pack of sponges you ordered off Amazon. Deliveries are automatically magical.

I could go on, but I won’t. Go off and experience the little things that make you smile, because soon you’ll be crying. JKJKJKJKJK.

