low calorie — Recipes — emmasthing
High Protein, Lower Calorie PB&J Oatmeal
MainsEmma Goldenoatmeal, protein, breakfast, oats, protein oats, peanut butter, pb2, peanut butter jelly oatmeal, pb&j oatmeal, breakfast ideas, easy breakfast, high protein, low calorie
Low Calorie Banana Cinnamon Muffins
SnacksEmma Goldenbanana, cinnamon, muffins, muffin, banana muffin, banana cinnamon muffin, healthy, low calories, low calorie, snack, breakfast, treat
Starbucks Knock-Off Egg White Bites
SnacksEmma Goldenhealthy, protein, egg, egg white, egg white bites, egg bites, breakfast, clean eats, low cal, low calorie, high protein, vegetarian, starbucks, starbucks egg bites, starbucks egg white bites, starbucks whites
Garlic Parm Salmon with Asapargus
MainsEmma Goldensalmon, garlic, garlic parmesan, healthy, fish, dinner, lunch, asparagus, veggies, clean eats, low carb, low calorie, fresh, homemade, weeknight dinner, cooking
Zucchini Sausage Bake
MainsEmma Goldenzucchini, sausage, low carb, healthy, clean eats, clean eating, low calorie, low cal, vegetables, dinner, lunch
Lemon Oregano Zoodle Pasta with Cauliflower
MainsEmma Goldenzoodle, zucchini, pasta, cauliflower, lemon, dinner, lunch, side dish, healthy, clean eats, low carb, keto, low calorie
Healthy Buffalo Chicken Salad
SaladsEmma Goldenchicken, wings, dinner, lunch, healthy, clean eats, low calorie, low carb, protein, greek yogurt, buffalo, buffalo chicken