My Mini Christmas Menu

We are two days away from Christmas 2020. There’s no doubt this Christmas looks different for most people (or maybe it’s the exact same as every year); I know it does for me. I’ve spent the last four years in Chicago for Christmas, being served incredible food, snacks, and booze from my generous and hospitable sister and her wife. They’ve made Christmas so special for me year after year, and also so damn easy. I didn’t have to do anything besides get my butt on a plane, get there, and open my mouth for food and drink.

This year, recreating that Christmas magic is up to me (and my mom, of course who is hosting us but not until Christmas Day itself). While my mom is covering Christmas dinner* (*she asked me what I’d like to contribute then told me to bring salad. I can’t), Christmas Eve day and night and Christmas Day is up to me to make special for Z and me. At this point, I’m sure you know what you’re making and don’t need more ideas. HOWEVER, only one of these recipes is Christmas-themed, so these are things you can make year-round. And who knows—maybe you will get inspired to run out to the store RIGHT NOW to add one of these onto your menu for the next few days.




  • Homemade pizza, using my sister and her wife’s homemade dough and homemade sauce recipe! Toppings to be determined, but thinking pepperoni, mushroom, and green pepper and of course, shredded mozzarella and hunks of fresh mozzarella

  • Fresh salad with either Romaine or green leaf lettuce, shredded carrots, diced celery and cucumber, and cherry tomatoes with Grossy Pelosi’s Garlicky Citrus Dressing



  • Belgian waffles (with pecans for Z) with a side of bacon and fresh berries, served with the one and only Log Cabin syrup (don’t even come at me with this, bro)

  • Bloody Marys AND mimosas, obviously. Trying out a new Bloody Mary mix I picked up at Total Wine this week called Barsmith Nashville Hot Mix.


  • The Bean Dip. If you like every form of dairy there is and refried beans and spiciness, you will become addicted to this dip. It’s been rotating in my family for years and it truly never gets old. It’s the perfect thing to snack on mid Christmas Day when you’re trying to not spoil your dinner but that morning’s waffles/pancakes/french toast/cinnamon rolls have worn off. Please try to share.

  • Z will be baking a Scandinavian pastry called Kringla to honor his ancestry, and I will be making yellow cupcakes with chocolate frosting to surprise my cupcake-loving parents with for Christmas.


  • Like I mentioned earlier, Ellen asked me what I’d like to contribute then told me what to bring so, I’m in charge of salad. 😐For what it’s worth, I’m making one with a very simple, yet very tasty sounding dressing if you’re interested:

    • 1/3 cup olive oil

    • 3 tablespoon red wine vinegar

    • 1 1/2 teaspoon sugar

    • 1 1/4 teaspoon mustard

    • 1 clove garlic minced (or garlic powder)

    • 1/2 teaspoon salt

    • 1/4 teaspoon pepper

The rest is up to her and God.

No matter what your Christmas menu looks like, I hope it’s delicious, satisfying, and most of all made with love. Lord knows we need it to end the weirdest year there ever was.

Merry Christmas, y’all!

