PULSE CHECK: I’m Alive. I’ve Just Been Busy.

Okay, y’all. I’ve been trying to write my Marfa recap post for WEEKS now, and it’s proving to be extremely difficult for me. Not only because it’s been difficult to find the free time, but also because


This shit just does not flow out of me easily and not for lack of trying. I KNOW they’re helpful. And I KNOW it should be easy because I have all the info and pictures I need to create it, but my God. I really don’t like doing it. It’s just so much information? And so many thoughts? And so many links and URLs and details and UGH GOD. If I’ve learned anything from the very few times I’ve attempted to be a travel blogger it’s that I am NOT one. Not no way, not no how.

I’m going to get it done, I swear. Truth be told, it’s basically there, I just needed to take a break and come back to my roots of writing nonsense before I can round that corner and get an actual informative-for-the-masses post done. You understand.

So, like, what’s up?! How have you been? April was an insanely busy month and I swear, when it ended, it felt like a weight had been lifted. I mean, all of the “busyness” was wonderful: my job’s huge, annual conference, my birthday, Marfa (obvi), and my sister’s wedding. But as extroverted as I am, I’ve grown to desperately need my introverted moments to maintain what little sanity I have left. So, this past weekend, I spent Friday night with Whitney enjoying chips, dips, and drinks, Saturday at the pool all day with some of my favorite coworkers turned close friends, and Sunday with my parents and it was all so lovely and so desperately needed.

As good as I am about keeping everyone updated via IG stories, I feel like April stifled me from sharing the 209372947 random things I probably wanted to mention or talk about, so that’s what this blog will serve you today. Also, and this is just an aside: If you’re here reading my blog post but I haven’t answered an email from you or responded to a specific question you sent me via Instagram that I TOLD YOU I would respond to, I’m sorry. I really am. It’s never malicious — it’s just anxiety. You guys are the most engaged audience I could’ve ever hoped for, and sometimes, it’s overwhelming for me to keep up with. I’ve mentioned this before, but the “read” functionality in DMs gives me fucking heartburn. I’m so excited to see what you guys have written me that I can’t wait to open it but then you see that I’ve seen it and haven’t responded but I haven’t responded because I’m in the middle of something and really shouldn’t have opened it and now I can’t take it back and then I lose the message altogether because there is NO ORGANIZATION WITH DMS AND IT’S THE WORST. In fact, I’m thinking about reaching out to Instagram and suggesting they add a search function to messages so I can type in key words and find the message you sent me so much more easily. I often forget the handle that sent me the message, but know I was supposed to answer something for someone and it’s incredibly frustrating that I can’t figure out the what and who more quickly. Also, why can’t I fucking organize DMs into certain folders? Basically, IG needs to be setup like a 2nd Gmail, and I’d be much better about it all. LIFE IS HARD.

Rant over.

I would now like to take this opportunity of a blog post to share with you guys my random thoughts on some things and also some products I’ve recently purchased that might tickle your fancy. And I thank you in advance for allowing me to use my space to literally write stream of consciousness today, because this has all been bottled up inside of me and it feels orgasmic to finally get it all out somewhere.

  • First thing’s first. I ordered a second set of the Target sweatsuit you’ve seen me in for months on end now because it’s so fucking inexpensive and literally my most favorite thing to thrown on, that my non-thigh gap thighs have already worn the crotch down and I need a backup or I will lose it if my original set falls apart. I highly suggest you look into securing one for yourself.

  • Next, I ended up returning the Charlotte Tilbury Magic Cream and the lip gloss. The Magic Cream was great for a hot minute then, suddenly, my forehead was so dry it was peeling like a sunburn. The only change I had made in my skincare routine was the cream, so it had to go. Not to say it doesn’t work for 99% of people who use it, my skin is just a bitch. The lip gloss texture I love and will probably end up getting in another shade — the color I chose was just way too light for me. I’m a pink/red girl at heart and in person.

  • Upon visiting my parents last weekend, I learned my dad had bought himself a shiny new grill and was selling his 2-year-old one for $100 and, in a fit of adulthood, I bought it off him! I’ve never owned a grill before, but have a perfectly decent backyard I haven’t utilized for YEARS, and I’m ready to lean into it. Really what’s kept me away from my backyard all these years are bugs and my laziness in dealing with them, so I went out this week and got citronella tiki torches, some heavy duty killer bug spray for the lawn, and a tank of propane. I am ready to become a grill master and NOT get bitten up while doing so. SUMMER OF EMMA 2K19.

  • For years now, I’ve preferred sugar-free hazelnut Coffeemate in my coffee. Lately, though, the sugar-free sweetness has been cloying. I never thought I’d see the day where I’d retire my trusty creamer, but I think it’s time. Instead, I’ve decided that a few pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup + plain half/half is the ticket. This information is literally useless and not at all intriguing, so thanks for reading. Moving on.

  • The other week, I asked you guys for bed sheet recs because I’m in the market. The response was overwhelming. So many sheets, so little time. Below is every response y’all offered, with Threshold at Target, Brooklinen, Parachute, and AmazonBasics taking the lead. Truth be told, I want Parachute sheets the most. My quilt is from them, and adding a pair of their stunning sheets to my bed would complete the vibe. However, they want $229 for 2 pillowcases, a fitted sheet, and a top sheet, so I’m gonna hold out for now (not for long, though). In the interim, I decided to pick up a set of Threshold’s Vintage-Wash Percale sheets in WHITE. WHAT? I’ve ALWAYS been against all white sheets because, from a young age, Ellen instilled in us that white sheets are “like a hospital or hotel. Ew.” Well, Ellen — I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I got some and I LOVE THEM. Somehow I feel cleaner and cooler sleeping on them? It’s all mental, baby.

  • I’ve implored you before but I’ll implore you again to request to follow me on Twitter so you can read real-time updates of my dating life. It’s the only safe space I have to post about it, so get in on the action if you want deets.

  • I’m not sure whether or not I made this national news, but I discovered back in February that I love dry martinis??? My whole drinking career, I thought the only kind of sophisticated martini you could get was a dirty one and, since I HATE olives with a fiery passion, I could never get on board. Then, my coworker turned friend suggested I give dry martinis with a lemon twist a go and THE WORLD TURNED UPSIDE DOOOWWWWWWNNNNN (Hamilton reference). Did you know that a DRY martini is where they only rinse the glass with vermouth then pour it out, and a WET martini is when they keep the vermouth in the martini? Do what you will with that information. All I know is that wet martinis are foul and dry are the bomb.

  • I’ve been in my place for 5 years now because the location and the rent are insane. Truly, I don’t think my landlord has a good grasp of the market because I should probably be paying 50% more than I do, but he lives in Trinidad so he’s like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I refuse to move until it’s time to buy a house so, until then, I find little ways to spruce my place up all the time. For example, I just added this amazing gold tray to my coffee table from Target (obviously), and finally got a little sofa side table that can slide under the couch. The way my living room is configured, no matter where my coffee table is, it’s out of arm’s length for at least one half of the room, so this new little slide table will serve as my wine/dinner/TV remote/godknowswhatelse holder, and I’m SO excited about it. It’s the little things, guys. The little gold accented things.

Man, what else?! I guess that’s really all for now. I feel like I had more than this to go on about, but I’ve written a lot, so I’ll spare you. It was so good catching up. Let’s not wait so long next time ok?

