January 2: The Most Depressing Day Of The Year

Today is the worst. Every year since college, the week of Christmas and New Year's is our only taste of adult winter break (or really any break unless we use our precious PTO), and we relish it. It's a sacred time; one in which we hopefully "turn off" in terms of work and fill up our days with as much activity as downtime. Then, January 2 hits. And we're back at work. Back on the grind. Back to meetings with over zealous coworkers, passive emails, "fire drills," and not spending full days in pajamas with your worry being when you'll stuff your face next. 

So, because this day is so utterly depressing and hard to cope with, I did us all a solid and curated a quick, fun list of distractions to get you through to 5pm. Your job may not be understanding today, but I am. I know your work-brain won't be fully functioning until at least next week, so enjoy the following diversions while you still can.


For whatever reason, this video made me crack up over break:

• Found this fun approach to your yearly horoscope over the "break." Check and see if yours rings true.

• In case you were curious, here is a playlist of my most-played songs of 2017 according to Spotify. Warning: It's the weirdest mash-up you'll ever hear. Jazz, pop, rap, musicals, more jazz. It's odd and I'm fully aware of that, but it's also pretty entertaining if I do say so myself.

• I made this recipe the very last night of break, and it's delicious: Healthier Crockpot Beef Stew

• This is another video from one of my favorite up-and-coming comedians, Chloe Fineman, that made me laugh too hard mostly because I literally was in near-tears about this very topic last week (i.e. how much I miss good ole house parties):

House Parties.

A post shared by Chloe Fineman (@chloeiscrazy) on

• Here's a list of movies and TV shows set to debut this year (obviously most excited for 2 Dope Queens and maybe Red Sparrow with JLaw, but I won't get excited yet).

• Also, a list of all 2018's Netflix original shows!

• I bought these earrings and wore them on New Year's Eve and love them so much.

• I also got this cute ass dry erase board, this gold trash can, and this little tray (it's technically a soap dish but use your imagination) all from Target.

• Heard a snippet of this TED talk on a podcast and looked up the full version. A supermodel admits to finding the balance between grateful and guilty, plus confesses that her and most of her peers are the most insecure people in the world:

This is a fun quiz for those of you who've suffered through one or many fuck boys.

• If you love The Office, you've probably already seen these audition tapes but maybe you haven't. Either way:

• I found this about the resurgence of the "micro blogger" and it made me want to run around town naked, screaming YEAH! FUCK YEAH! JUST YOU WAIT, WORLD. But I didn't. I did, however, message the writer of it and her response was nowhere near as inspiring or friendly but whatareyagonnado.

• I want to make these so bad. And soon.

This list of 2017's best memes will keep you entertained for a minute. So many gems this year, but my favorite of all time is the blinking guy forever:

• Have you read the "Cat Person" short story yet? It won the author a book deal, and I'd love to know your thoughts. It was a good read and very relatable in terms of romanticizing the dating world when it doesn't deserve it then being rudely awakened when you realize your lust was misguided and you want out, but I wasn't floored by the writing itself. I just realized I've never really critiqued another writer publicly before, so there ya have it. We just hit a first on emma's thing!

I think I've given you enough to distract you the rest of the day, yeah? Also, did you know I have a Facebook page for my blog? You should like/follow it if you don't already. I mean, if you want. You don't have to. 

Love you all and see you next time!


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