My Simple AF Skincare Routine

I’ll admit it — I got really lucky in the genes department. And not just because of my crippling anxiety, large bust, and almost non-existent patience fuse. I got really lucky because my parents skin is pretty incredible. Both come from a long line of glorious complexions and, although my dad didn’t bother passing down his blue eyes to either daughter, him and Ellen both put their super skin powers together to bless us both with exceptionally good skin (face skin, that is. Because we all know what the sitch is on my arms).

Over the years, I’ve tried a countless amount of face products. I, like Ellen, have extremely sensitive skin, so it’s taken a very long time and a lot of breakouts, rashes, and overall unpleasant reactions to find what works best for my obnoxiously sensitive skin. Of course, I couldn’t have done any of this without Ellen because she is the research queen and has put in the work and then some to find our fragile skin exactly what it needs. And the best part? It’s literally just three products (watch the quick video of me walking you through my steps on IGTV).

DERMA e Fragrance Free Sensitive Skin Cleanser 

That’s it. Those three products — no more, no less. I’ve tried Micellar water and wipes, eye makeup removers, under eye cream —you name it. But I’ve had an issue with every single one, and almost always end up kicking myself for getting off the simple, stable boat. NOTE: The oil is a new addition to my routine, which has been scary but great so far. I only use it once a day (morning or night), and apply it after I wash my face but before I put on moisturizer. So far, so good.

Stupid simple. Can you believe?

