The Best Things I Bought In 2018

Each year I think my shopping habits are going to get better, and each year they do but like “better” as in “more.” Since I love to spend money so much, I thought it’d be a good exercise to go back through my purchases throughout this past year and determine where my hard earned money was best used. And I’ve gotta say — I’m not as mad at myself as I thought I’d be. From plane tickets and pizza to jeans and shoes, I covered it all but it was all very worth it.

American Eagle Mom Jeans

It took me a minute to accept this denim trend, but once I did and after I found THE perfect pair at American Eagle, there was no going back. They actually fit how they should, which I can’t say for literally any other brand I tried on throughout the process because Levi’s can eat my ass.

Every Domino’s pizza I had delivered

Truly. Money spent on pizza delivery is never wasted and almost always account for some of the best nights at home, so no regrets.

Blender Bombs

I discovered these amazing balls via a former coworker and haven’t shut up about them since. My smoothie game will never be the same again.

My FitBit Versa

I love technology, but not enough to wear my phone on my wrist. I’m already addicted enough as it is, so I enjoy the separation of phone and watch. But I DID want an upgrade from the FitBit Charge 2, so decided to bring the Versa into my life and am very glad I did. Still loving it and THEY’RE ON SALE RIGHT NOW!

A blanket ladder

I’m truly not that great at interior decorating; I don’t have what some might call a “vision.” But every once in a while, I do well and surprise even myself. That’s what happened with this blanket ladder. I’ve never given a blanket ladder half of a thought, but suddenly I was noticing them via the interior of other’s homes and it hit me that I, too, needed one. So I got one. And it’s great. The end.

My plane ticket to San Fran

Such an amazing trip with my best friend. The highlight? Getting to meet an online friend IRL and also SCRIBE. winery. Forever.

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The coffee mug

THE. Coffee mug. From the tiniest little shop on the streets of San Fran. One of the best purchases not just of 2018 but of life, for sure.

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The best bagel I’ve ever had


I’m not exaggerating right now — looking at this picture makes me well up with tears. This bagel was from Wise Sons in SF, and was the goddamn most epic one I’ve ever had in entire career of bagel-eating. Like. Ok, we have to move on because I’m getting so emotional.

St. Vincent concert tickets

Before she had announced her Dallas tour date, I panicked and bought some for Chicago. Me, my sister, and her finaceé went and it was hands down one of the greatest performances I’ve ever seen.

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A makeup organizer

You know how you just get so used to your setup and don’t really think to upgrade? That’s how my makeup situation was at home. I had my stuff in some random plastic compartment thing from the Container Store for years. But like the blanket ladder incident, it just sort of came to me in a vision, I saw it at Target, and it was done. So much chicer.

My Doing Things hat

I never knew I needed this hat until I saw my sister’s fianceé and everyone else wearing it. I’m not a big hat person, but there’s just nothing as good as this one. The color. The message. The simplicity.

A Beto yard sign

THAT GOT FUCKING STOLEN LAST WEEK. I’m so upset about it. Sigh.

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Everlane tank tops and t-shirts

I’ve written about Everlane 3,000 times, but just in case you haven’t caught any of it, here it is for the 3,001: THEY HAVE GREAT BASICS. I wear these tank tops and t-shirts on repeat, for real.

A legit blender

I was trying to get away with using a Ninja blender to get my ice crushed up and it just wasn’t cutting it (pun intended?). So, I did some extensive research and ended up with this baby and it was a GREAT investment this year. Truly wonderful.

The Target shoes

The day Universal Thread knocked off the Free People shoes I had been coveting forever was a day I’ll never forget. I wore these so much this season, I bought a backup pair for next. YEAH. I’M THAT EXTREME.

The yellow skirt

Speaking of Target, getting this velvet number from their A New Day line was also a fantastic purchase decision on my part. My goal is to wear it at least 3 more times before it’s spring, if not more.

Plane ticket to Portland

I mean. Duh.

Blue Star Donuts

I’d buy them over and over and over again. Worth every mother fucking penny. The chocolate bergamot though? HELL YEAH.

A waist leash for Cece

BRO. If you have a small dog or one that walks obediently and doesn’t pull, a waist leash is LIFE CHANGING. Truly one of the most epic purchases I made this year. Handsfree walks? Ever tried one? THEY’RE AMAZING.

My haircut

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Even though I’m still fluctuating between loving and hating it every day, it was money well spent regardless. Because my curls have never been healthier and will hopefully grow out just as healthy. Also because I haven’t taken a hair risk like this since I was in 4th grade (long story) and it’s fun to live on the wild side every once in a while.

Basically any gold hoops

I bought so many this year and truly love each more than the last. No regrets on the amount of gold hoops in my arsenal.

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A doctor’s appointment and Prozac

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know how this year started. All I have to say is thank God for anti-depressants and for generic versions of those anti-depressants. Money 👏🏼well 👏🏼spent 👏🏼

A sherpa-lined jean jacket

My sophomore year of high school, I remember being OBSESSED with this dude’s navy, corduroy, sherpa-lined jacket. Sometimes he’d let me wear it (we dated for, like, 2 weeks), and it always smelled like some sort of Ralph Lauren cologne and fit so cozy. I loved that jacket. So I was overjoyed this season when I saw sherpa-lined jean jackets popping up all over the place and quickly scooped one up for myself.

A Bird Bakery monster cookie

Do you like cookies? Chocolate chips? Peanut M&Ms? Oatmeal? Other amazing shit? Because I do and, for the first time in my life this year, I bought and ate a Monster cookie from Bird Bakery and my life will never, ever, ever, never, ever be the same.

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Last but not AT ALL least, this $20 facial hair remover was a godsend this year. My sister bought it first, it got her seal of approval, and then I went in for the kill. From one hairy Jewish girl to you, IT WORKS. I haven’t gotten my upper lip waxed or threaded literally for almost a year. I just touch up with this gadget whenever I need and am good. to. go.

So, there you have it. My top buys of this year. What were some of yours?

