How Do YOU Skincare?
Last week, within an hour of each other, two girls who have absolutely no connection to one another both messaged me asking about my skincare routine. Of course, I was flattered and more than happy to share the products and pieces I've been gathering and honing over the years. Truly, my skincare sitch is not at all intimidating. I'm incredibly low maintenance (read: low patience) when it comes to washing up, applying creams, putting makeup on, taking makeup off, etc., so the simpler and more efficient the better. It's not about how many fancy schmancy products line every crevice of your countertop and cabinets, but more so the quality of the few products you swear by. Turning 30 made me hip to nighttime creams and oils that breathe life into my thirsty face, so I figured sharing is caring (because I care about each and every one of your faces. Truly.) and listing out my routine for y'all couldn't hurt.
Also, I should note that I have incredibly sensitive skin. Like, uber sensitive. Like, breaks out into a crazy rash if I make eye contact with fragrance, certain oils and acids, or LAVENDER (my arch nemesis). Therefore, the products I use daily are the real deal and have stood the test of time, making them chill for every skin type.
So there you have it, guys! I told you it's pretty simple (and by simple I mean mostly all DERMA E). I hope I've enlightened you and inspired you to give any of these products a go. And, of course, if you have any questions, lay them on me!