I Can't, Vol. 52

Omg. Oh. My. God. You guys. Hi. And welcome to Emma's Thing 2.0. I can't believe this is really real. I'm not sure what wild hair crawled up my butt hole last week, but suddenly, the need to completely change my blog's aesthetic and place of dwelling took over me like when you bring a salad for lunch but hear someone mention Chipotle and any ounce of responsibility you've ever exercised is out of the window and a burrito is in your mouth.

Because I get tunnel vision when I decide to go all-in on something (a trait that maybe has contributed to my perpetual state of singlehood), I've been in a bubble for the last week. It started with switching my domain from GoDaddy to Squarespace, then choosing a template, then running into 300 road blocks, then live chatting with the SS team no less than 6 times, and finally. FINALLY. Here we are. So, without further adieu...

I can't

BELIEVE MY NEW SITE IS LIVE. LOL. I'm aware this is a new "I Can't" post, and we'll get to that. But I have to speak to this entire process because OMFG was it a process, and I'm proud as fuck that I made it happen. I essentially taught myself how to build a website and just when I wanted to throw in the proverbial towel, it all clicked. Suddenly, I got it. I understood. The fog in my brain cleared and it all made sense. The feeling of going from WTF AM I DOING to I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I'M DOING is addicting. Is this what heroin feels like? Cause if so, I get it now.

I can't

with Everlane in general. Fashion Jackson has been wearing it all over her blog, which makes me feel even more justified in my obsession with it. It's just such good quality stuff. This shirt is my most recent purchase, and I plan to get it in another color. Plus 100 other things probably come the fall.

I can't

handle how much there is to watch right now. Between GOT's final season, Insecure debuting last week, and Ozark, I'm becoming the person who has too many stories to watch. The person I've always tried to NOT become. But fuck it because all three of those shows provide me with plot lines and characters I can't not see through to the end. And, on that note...

I can't

press hard enough that you should be watching Ozark. It's like Narcos + Breaking Bad + Sopranos + every other amazing, ground-breaking show rolled into one orgasmic mix of everything that's right about television. Every actor is brilliant, the plot line is captivating AF, and it's gonna be all over your feeds if it isn't already so might as well dive in now so you're in-sync with the rest of the world's obsession.

I can't

explain why I decided to record myself grooming Cece in the literal middle of my home, but I'm so glad I did because this gold came out of it:

I can't

tell you if Velvet Teddy by Mac will work as a nude lipstick for you, but it works for me and I love it. I mentioned the shade in one of my first newsletters (HAVE YOU SIGNED UP FOR THEM?), but it's so good that I felt the need to talk about it again here. If you're in the market for a nude lip, I highly recommend this one. Then again, I had to try on like 13 colors to find the right nude for me, so it's highly possible Velvet Teddy may not be for you. Or maybe it will be. You'll never know unless you try.

I can't


I can't

handle this little jar and what it holds. It's a weight-conscious Jew's dream. If you haven't experienced this yet, stop what you're doing (but, like, after you're done reading my blog), go buy some from Trader Joe's (OR AMAZON SINCE THEY CARRY EVERYTHING NOW APPARENTLY), and proceed to sprinkle it on everything imaginable. Toast with cream cheese and cucumbers, eggs, popcorn, chicken, cereal, smoothies, JK. But get it. Now.

I can't

when people give me shit for using a windshield sun visor. Like, I'm aware that it doesn't "look cool," but neither does my face when I get into my un-vised car after it's been sitting in 100ΒΊ Texas heat. So. BACK OFF.

I can't

(still) that you're reading this on my new setup. Be sure to click around and see what I've done with the place. Oh, and sign up for my weekly newsletter if you haven't (had to).
