My Curly Hair Wash Day Routine with the Dyson Supersonic Diffuser

I hate diffusers, which is why I have my let my curls air dry for as long as I can remember. Don’t get me wrong—I’ve tried plenty of diffusers throughout my lifetime, but I’ve found that every single one of them make my curls frizzy as fuck, and I end up very unhappy with the results every single time.

But all that changed due to the popularity of the Dyson SuperSonic Hair Dryer finally piquing my curiosity. I decided to invest in this $400 hairdryer and had every intention of returning it after what was sure to be a disappointing, overhyped result but joke’s on me because I quickly learned that the Dyson SuperSonic Hair Dryer is worth every dollar. Every. single. dollar. Trust me when I say that never in a million years did I think I would spend $400 on a diffuser for my curls; trust me again when I say I would buy it 60 times over after experiencing how the Dyson works. It has single-handedly (literally, because I use one hand to hold it while I dry my curls) given me the kind of dried curls I’ve only dreamt of. The indirect, non-damaging but incredibly effective heat just hits different. I have no frizz, and my curls go from soaking wet with product in them to fully dry in 15-20 minutes, start to finish. That’s unheard of for curls. Of course, my wash and styling routine plays a huge role in how my curls turn out, but adding the Dyson to the mix has only improved my curl-game vastly already.

In today’s post, I’m sharing my STEP-BY-STEP curly hair wash day routine. I’ve already created this INSTAGRAM REEL in case you prefer video, but here, it’s all written out. For what it’s worth, my curls are a mix of 3B/3C, and this exact routine with these exact products is what I’ve found to give me the absolute best results.

Step 1: Wash

I exclusively use Hairstory’s New Wash (Rich) cleanser. Nothing else. I never, ever switch or change it up. It is this and this only for washing my curls, and it has literally changed my curls for the better. There’s no such thing as using too much on wash day, so I really lather it up and work it through my hair aggressively!


Leave-in condition, that is. I use Ouidad’s Leave-In Conditioner for curly hair WHILE I’M STILL IN THE SHOWER. This is imperative. Because curls are all about moisture, using product and styling your curls while they’re completely wet is key to a successful wash day! I use a big squirt and scrunch it into my curls as the last thing I do before I turn the shower off.


I give my soaking wet curls 3-4 very gentle scrunches with my special hair towel so it’s not dripping, then proceed to put product in my hair. First, I use this sort of gel, sort of balm by Uncle Funky’s Daughter and rake it through my hair starting from the roots down. No scrunching yet! Then, I take about a quarter size of Not Your Mother’s Curl Activating Mousse (seriously, you need the smallest amount as it comes out fast and is a lot (that’s what she said)) and do the same. Once both products have successfully infiltrated my curls, I then scrunch my curls up and pulse each scrunch a bit to ensure the product is wrapping around my curls.


5A: Turn on your Dyson and start with medium heat at medium speed. Start with your hair flipped over so you’re really hitting the roots, but hover the Dyson all over your hair while it’s flipped over in front of your face.

Step 5B: After a few minutes of this initial drying comes the real work. Take sections of your hair and place them in the diffuser, section by section. HOT TIP: Don’t move the Dyson up and down when you’re drying each section. That creates frizz. Just hold it there for 10-15 seconds or so, then move to the next section. This length of this process will vary depending on your type of curls, hair length, etc. so just keep the Dyson moving around your hair and continue feeling your curls as you go to determine how they’re drying!


When your curls are about 90% dry, set the Dyson down and walk away for a second. Do your makeup, clean your room, play with your dog. Do whatever while you let it air dry until it feels 100% dry then head back to the Dyson.

STEP 6: scrunch out the crunch

This is THE MOST CRUCIAL STEP for all curly girls. The gel and mousse you use and dry onto your hair creates a hard cast around your locks. This is good, because the cast defines the curls. However, you don’t want to walk around with crunchy hair. So, when your hair 100% dry, you’re going to look like an insane person and flip your hair over to start scrunching out the crunch. It’s the same movement you used to put your product in: scrunch scrunch scrunch. What also works very well is to CLAP your hair. Flip it to the right and clap over it with both hands. Flip it to the left and do the same. Then, for a final touch, use the Dyson diffuser on low heat and low speed to scrunch out the rest of the crunchy cast your products have made on your curls. Once your hair feels soft and fluffy, turn off the Dyson, thank her for her service, and use your hands to scrunch a bit more and fluff your roots for volume (VERY IMPORTANT)!


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