Some Days...

I think we're all bi-polar in the non-medical sense. It's just that, some days, we're all about it. And other days, we couldn't be further from being all about it. Example:

It's wild how intense both extremes can get. One day, I'll be on top of all my shit. Unstoppable, some would say. But the very next day, I'm using the flashlight on my phone to look for my phone. This post is a nod to the many moods, the many shades, and the many sides of us all.

Some days

I roll out of bed 20 minutes before I have to leave for work with 3-day dirty hair and just chapstick on and some days I meticulously apply full makeup, style my hair, and don an adorable outfit (all just to sit in my cube facing the same direction the entire day).

Some days

I've meal prepped for at least the next 3-4 days and portioned it out perfectly and some days I didn't go to the grocery store this week and am trying to figure out how to make it to Friday on popcorn kernels, Babybel cheese wheels, and a carton of almond milk I'm not so sure about.

Some days

I enjoy the careful nighttime routine of washing my face, brushing and flossing my teeth, and applying my oils and creams and some days I can literally taste and see my own stench but the thought of lifting a toothbrush up to my mouth or a hand to my face sounds so exhausting that I'm already asleep before I can even attempt either action.

Some days

I get in the shower and wonder why I'm even there, barely washing myself and wanting anything but this and some days I spend a half-hour up in that bitch, shaving every part of my body, washing my hair twice, and wondering if setting up shop in here for the foreseeable future is feasible.

Some days

Vegetables and minimal cheese and quinoa and fruit as dessert tastes incredible and some days* I would literally murder for anything but (this is every day*).

Some days

I want nothing more than to be in constant, quick-witted conversations with all of my friends either via group text or individually and some days I want to take my phone and computer and throw both off a building while screaming bloody murder.

Some days

I pay no attention to coworkers who cough and sneeze out loud at their desks and some days I think they should go to prison for making any noise ever.

Some days

I realize and appreciate the happiness that comes from making your bed each day and feel so good doing it and some days it's the biggest fucking waste of 3 minutes of my life and I can't imagine why anyone would bother when you're just gonna get back in it after work and cry (jk).

Some days

I carefully reapply my lipstick throughout the day and some days I don't give a fuck when it comes off after the first sip of coffee and don't put it on ever again.

Some days

I wear heels and handle it just fine and some days I wear heels and am like why. Why do I EVER do this? Get these pointless torture chambers off my feet immediately.

Some days

I don't clean my kitchen after cooking, leaving it for tomorrow's Emma to deal with and some days* I cannot sit until every lick of counter space, dish, and kitchen utensil is spic and span (*this is most every day, but I really do have those lazy moments*(*rarely though)).

Some days

I think I'm hilarious and fun and pretty cute and some days I think I'm the most boring anxious mess with nothing to offer anyone and probably ugly but no one will just be honest about it with me.

Some days

I can do a full workout PLUS cardio and some days I can't believe I was ever capable of doing any of that because just walking from my living room to my bedroom seems unreasonably strenuous.

Some days

I feel I have no clothes and some days I feel I have way too many clothes and need to cool it with online shopping but then I quickly resort to the former statement.

Some days

Going pee is no big thing and I'll do it several times in a day and some days the thought of having to stop what I'm doing to go relieve myself is too disruptive and I'll hold it for hours on end.

Some days

I love a good, supportive bra and some days I don't care if half the world sees my cold nipples because fuck bras.

Some days

the idea of socializing during lunch hour is the most draining thought I've ever had and some days all I want to do is eat my tuna sandwich and talk to my teammates with my mouthful.

Some days

my alarm goes off for early morning gym and I pop right up, ready to get swole and some days* I wake up when it goes off but refuse to go to the gym but can't fall back asleep so just lay there for an hour thinking about how I could've been at the gym this entire time but chose to literally waste this entire last hour neither working out nor sleeping but instead laying here being angry and annoyed and lazy (*most every day I attempt morning gym, tbh).

Some days

I can and some days I just can't.


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