Into It, Vol. 1

If you've ever taken the time to listen to Whitney and I's podcast "2 Girls, 1 Closet," then you've most definitely heard our segment entitled "Into It" in which we pop off about things we are or aren't into. We haven't gotten into my closet in a while, mainly because I got a boyfriend and making out takes up a lot of my time on weeknights, and Whitney is a boss ass bitch at her job and has some sort of work-related function almost nightly. Needless to say, finding time to stuff ourselves into my ill-placed closet (it's in my kitchen? Oh, older homes) has been next to impossible. That's why I felt the need to write my own list of things I'm into currently, because I think I tend to like legit stuff and have the need to share it with anyone who cares. So, without further ado...

INTO IT: Cotton On's line of workout clothes

OH. OK. So, for those of you who haven't caught on quite yet, I have two Instagram accounts. My usual emmasthing one in which I post mostly #OOTD pictures, social outings, my dog, you know — the yuge. However, it's pretty typical for BBG gals to create separate BBG-centric accounts for accountability, not to mention the community of BBGers are some of the most supportive, uplifting, nicest people you will probably never meet IRL. That Instagram name is emmagbbg, and I by no means want you to follow it — I'm just trying to setup this "into it." Also, please be warned I am a completely different person on that account (i.e. super positive, optimistic, encouraging, etc.). Via my secondary all BBG ERRYTHANG account, I find a lot of great recipes, workout motivation, and awesome new gear. I saw one girl in particular wearing the craziestcoolest leggings I've ever seen, asked her where they were from, and promptly ordered them. Who knew Cotton On had an entire active line??? Not me! And the best part? IT'S AFFORDABLE AF. I ordered the leggings and the shorts in the same pattern, and BOTH are amazing quality, comfortable as hell, and probably the best pair of leggings and shorts I now own. HUGE fan. Check it out.


INTO IT: Living Proof Dry Shampoo

I think every female has that A-HA! moment with dry shampoo. You're going along, living life as you've always known it. Washing your hair when it's dirty, not thinking twice about it because it's what you've always known. Then, one day, maybe it's a friend. Or a frenemy. Or an overheard conversation. Or that one uncomfortably-jacked woman in the gym locker room. But, out of nowhere, you're enlightened about dry shampoo. "Dry? Shampoo?" You wonder to yourself. "But what could that possibly look/smell/be like?" Then you try it, and you can't believe you've gone without for this long. And the more comfortable you get with it, you'll start experimenting to see just how much you can get away with when it comes to covering your dirty tresses with spray shampoo. I used PSSSST! for the longest time, until I started to listening to the Modern Love podcast (I know, how random). Living Proof is their main sponsor, more specifically their dry shampoo. I decided to give it a go even though it's pricier than your average drugstore bottle, and I once again was shown why better, more expensive products are worth the money. I love this shit — it smells delightful and is able to hide my sweaty ass gym hair better than any hat or shower ever could.

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INTO IT: Abercrombie's rebrand

Yeah, you read that right. ABERCROMBIE. As in Abercrombie&Fitch. A&F. AF. The store you most likely grew up browsing aimlessly with your slutty friends all the while being slowly brain-damaged by the cologne they dumped all over every orifice of every store. The one with the shirtless Magic Mike strippers as greeters. FUCKING ABERCROMBIE. I'm not sure when or how the rebrand happened — all I know is I saw blogger Poor Little It Girl rocking this dress by them and couldn't believe how darling it was. Of course, the way she had it styled helped a lot. Something compelled me to close my eyes and go for it, and OMG I'm so glad I did because IT'S CUTE AS HELL. 

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LIKE WHAT!? I still can't believe it's Abercrombie. Never in my deepest, darkest nightmares did I ever expect to be actively and willingly wearing anything by them past the age of 15/16. But here I am — a 29-year-old "woman" sporting this little grey number with buckets of pride. And it's just one of the many cute dresses they have on the site right now. I actually ordered ANOTHER something that arrived yesterday, and I'm equally as in love with it. WHAT. I'M WILD. I'M A GD WILD CARD. Seriously, though. Check out their shit. You won't be sorry, maybe just a little confused but in a good way.

INTO IT: Rtic Drinkware

My mom keeps me in-the-know about a bunch of random yet useful stuff. A fountain of knowledge and aggravation, I like to say. So, the other night when she sent me an email-long text about the new Rtic line of drinkware, I knew it was probably something I should read but couldn't right then. However, my boyfriend was sitting directly next to me and was instantly bemused by the length of the text and claimed he "needed to know what it said." Be warned: She mostly uses voice dictation, so shit's gonna sound messed up. The text began, "I forgot to tell you that Yeti was..."


See what I'm saying? Informative, but exhausting. However, the woman's right — she had me try a sip of her "cold and delicious" water out of her Rtic tumbler the other night, and I have to admit it was still very cold and very delicious. The same Yeti quality for half the price? WAY into it.

INTO IT: Pool floats, specifically THE BAGEL

I got some fan mail last night in which the girl told me the Gold Bond Friction Defense has proven to be life-changing for her. Can't tell you how happy that made me, BECAUSE IT'S TRUE. It's seriously life-changing for anyone who's ever suffered chaffing. She also asked me for the link to this summer's most coveted pool float, my everything bagel. Guys, no lie — that float is everything. Not only is it hilarious, but it's actually a clutch float. The ridges in it make sitting comfortably so much easier, and it's the perfect thickness of float. I might be biased, but I love it. A lox. I give you permission to copy me, or at least get your own, hilarious pool float because they truly make pool days that much better. Happy summer to all and to all WEAR SUNSCREEN.




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