in bed with emma


i know i've said this 100 times before, but i REALLY might make this a standard type of entry. especially if it's the morning after going to a pre-new year's party and i'm too comfortable in my bed to go sit at my desk like a true writer/typer.


In Bed! With Emma (and a cup of Joe)
as i sit/lay drinking my cup of delicious vanilla hazelnut coffee from einstein's (we met in college and have been inseparable ever since), i want to give you 3 things to consider today:
1) getting away with walking around completely naked with your windows wide open is SO much better when you live on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 20th floor of your apartment complex. there really is slim to no chance you're going to be spied on or caught in your birthday suit. it's much more freeing. so, if you're secretly an exhibitionist at heart like yours truly, consider this next time you move.
2) if you have crazy, quirky habits that you have to convince yourself are normal, it's okay. and you ARE normal by trying to make yourself believe you're normal. i know it's been said, many times, many ways, but: weird is so much better than boring. i'd rather be lady gaga than calista flockhart, ya know? i'd rather eat a chipotle burrito than a plain, standard taco with just meat and cheese. i would rather be known for writing crassly and absurdly than for writing empty, methodical essays. YOU GET IT?
3) i think my eyelashes fall out more frequently than is considered normal, which is really depressing seeing as though i don't have thick, luxurious lashes to begin with. shit.
that's all. just 3 things at a time. i don't want to overload your brain like i do to mine on a daily, minute, second basis.
enjoy your day!
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