Mario Badescu's Facial Spray Saved My Skin

Okay. Maybe not saved because it wasn't on the verge of total and complete wreckage or anything. I mean, if we're being real (which we always are on here), I have pretty good skin most of the time and have genes (mostly my mother's) to thank for that. Which reminds me — if you're new to my blog or need a refresher, I wrote about my entire skincare regime and product line-up so you can see what I'm pairing this new addition with.

First off, this post is in no way sponsored. I'm just so elated with the results of this stuff that I had to share with you guys. So, just like all other skin, mine is prone to severe dryness. Therefore, when wintertime rolls around, I brace for a cold, blustery impact that inevitably always leaves my usually healthy looking epidermis sad, lifeless, and dry as hell. This particular winter did my face no favors with trips to snowy, high-altitude Utah and even snowier, 1º-for-the-high Chicago. Needless to say, by the time I was done traveling this past December, I took one look in the mirror and was like:

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And, to add insult to injury, by the time I got back home and settled from all my winter excursions, Dallas greeted me with its own version of very cold conditions. My skin was flaking off, breaking out, and acting up, and I needed a solution STAT. 

Enter: Mario Badescu's Facial Spray with Cucumber, Aloe, and Green Tea

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Y'all. You guys. You. This stuff? Nah. I saw a much younger blogger than myself whom I have next to nothing in common with plugging it on her stories during what I'm sure was a extreme rabbit hole day for me on Instagram, and became instantly intrigued. After some serious research (in which I got sidetracked by clothing, other facial products, and probably Cece), I decided I must get my hands on this $7 (yes, SEVEN DOLLAR) bottle of what could be my dry skin's liquid savior. Ultimately, I picked up my bottle from Anthropologie (who is currently offering almost all of Mario's skincare line), but it's also available from Ulta, Nordstrom, and Amazon (of course).

I should mention: On top of having a propensity toward dryness, my skin is also incredibly sensitive. Therefore, anything with fragrance or too many bells and whistles is typically a huge no-no for my face. However, the reviews on this miracle mist had nothing but gentle, light, soothing things to say so I felt safe enough to at least try. 

And try I did. And loved I did. And do. And will forever.

Unfortunately, I don't have any sort of photographical before and after evidence. You'll just have to trust my word on this one when I say it's helped my dryness and dullness SO MUCH. There are several ways to use this miracle mist. You can:

  • Use it as a setting spray once your makeup is on
  • Spritz it on after you've washed your face then top it with moisturizer while it's still damp
  • Simply use it as a refreshing spray to liven up your face after a day of hustling

Personally, I use way #2 and it's what's worked best for me. Since you're supposed to apply face cream when your face is still slightly damp (read: never towel dry your face off like an animal after washing it), I wash my face, spritz it a few times with the Mario Badescu Facial Spray, let it sit for a second, then rub in my moisturizer. The result has been more "alive", fresher, and somewhat glowing skin with way fewer dry flakes, and I've been loving it. 

I (clearly) highly recommend this product. It's more than worth the $7 investment, so get chu some and happy spritzing!

